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Who I am?

Hello everyone! I'm Rodrigo López Jiménez, I am a nineteenth year old boy who's a film student.

I live right now in the south of Chile, specifically in Bulnes, a small town near from Chillan, the city of "sausages". I say "right now" because originally I was born in Venezuela. I lived sixteen years in my native country, I grew up in San Diego, which is a small city that is near to one of the biggest cities in Venezuela, which is Valencia. Three years ago, my family decided to migrate to Chile, with the intentions of finding a better life. That was a big change to me and my family, because migrating to another country is something that changes your whole life.

In Venezuela, I grew up in San Diego, the small urban city that I mentioned. However, it isn’t that small, because it has everything to have fun with and realize as a person: parks, colleges, universities, restaurants, pubs, cinemas, etc. Also in San Diego I made very close friendships and studied until half of my high school education. In 2018 I migrated to Chile, with my brother and mother. My father could not come with us and he still lives in Venezuela, and we expect that someday he will finally come. I first lived in Valdivia when I arrived in Chile, that was the city where I finished my high school education and where I made a lot of friends who helped me adapt to this country. In 2020, before the pandemic started, my family decided to move to the actual city where I'm living: Bulnes. Now I live in a house with my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, mother and brother in this small town (It is very small).

Before the pandemic I really liked to go out with my friends and my girlfriend to anywhere, because I enjoy very much socializing and having a good time with my friends. Now all that has changed, and I communicate with my friends through social networks and zoom. Something that changed too was that now I can’t go to cinemas, and that is terrible. But now I see a lot of movies in my house. And to be honest, I spend most of my time studying for my college major.
San Diego, Venezuela


  1. Hi Rodrigo! I never will go to Venezuela, but it'is one of the places that I want to know in the future, "post pandemic".
    I visited Bulnes in the 2018 and I love the food and the people, it's a very small town, but I lived an unforgettable holidays.

  2. Hii dear Rodrigo!! What an interesting life story, I am very happy that you have met people with you feel comfortable. I hope your dad can come soon to Chile and give him a lot of love <3 kisses <3


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