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My Life Soundtrack!

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the songs and bands that left a mark in my life, so let's go for it!

I have to start with two bands that I think they influenced me in my childhood, that two bands are: The Beatles and Coldplay. The first one is because I grew up listening every song of that band, and that is because my father and mother always have been big fans of The Beatles, so in every opportunity they always put a song of them. I have the sounds of the music of The Beatles very stuck in my head haha. The another band, Coldplay, is more from my adolescence, because a I met their songs when I had 13 years old and I loved it, I really connected with their magical music.

If I have to say two songs that I always helped me when I'm not feeling very well, that two songs have to be "Los males pasajeros" de Love of Lesbian and "Quién fuera" of Silvio Rodríguez. The first one always cheer me up, and I think is because their beautiful letters combined with that very beautiful melody is wonderful. That song talks about how the bad moments are not forever, that the good moments will appears in some time, and the song don't do it in a "romantic" way, it do it in a realistic but hopeful way. The another song I heard it for the first time when I have 14 years old and helped me in a bad day. I think that Silvio Rodríguez can make you think and feel different and complex things with his music, that is unique in the world. "Quién fuera" always make me think and feel a lot.

If I want to end this post with a band that are important in my life right now, that will have to be Rawayana, the Venezuela's band that I like most. Rawayana help me in this times with their moving melody, that reminds me my best memories of my life past.

Thank you for reading me, I hope you enjoyed it!
